Terms & Conditions For FiinGroup And FiinResearch Online Service

Use of this website, FiinResearch.vn, signifies your full agreement to the Conditions of Use. Please read these terms carefully before you use the website. This website, FiinResearch.vn, is owned and operated by FiinGroup, and the contents of the site, including all intellectual property, trademarks, logos, design and text, are the exclusive property of FiinGroup, and are protected, throughout the world, without limitation, pursuant to copyright and trademark laws. No materials from FiinResearch.vn may be modified, copied, downloaded, uploaded, reproduced, repackaged, republished, transmitted, redistributed or resold in any way, either in whole or in any part, without the prior written permission and consent of FiinGroup, which permission and consent, if and as individually granted under specific terms and conditions of use, in no way compromises the copyright, trademark and proprietary rights of FiinGroup, all of which are left intact and unaltered at all times. Use of the materials contained on this website, or any other publication or service owned by FiinGroup, on any other website, is strictly prohibited.


FiinGroup makes no representations or warranties and accepts no liability of any kind for any loss or damages resulting from the use of this site or any materials contained on it, which are provided 'as is' and 'as available'. FiinGroup makes no representations or warranties that the materials on this site are error-free, or that they are fit for any particular purpose or requirements. Nor does it warrant the mechanical operation of fiinrearch.vn or any of its contents. No statement on this website is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell assets, or to provide investment advice. The Client has purchased a non-transferable, non-exclusive, license to access specific FiinGroup Online Services, which will be subject to the following terms and conditions. The 'content' within the database is also referred to in this agreement as 'material', 'intellectual property' 'report' and 'data'. Once your organisation, or a person within it, has had access to any Content subject to these conditions, you are agreeing that your organisation is deemed to be aware of, and consents to, this Agreement.

License Agreement For The Supply Of FiinGroup Online Services

Avaibility of Services

FiinGroup will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that fiinresearch.vn website will be made available to the Client 24 hours per day. However, FiinGroup reserves the right

  • To vary the Normal Service Availability in any way provided it gives the Client 48hour notice of its intention to do so.
  • To suspend the Services temporarily in the event of technical difficulties or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of FiinGroup. In the event of any such variation or suspension of FiinGroup will use all reasonable endeavours to resume Normal Service Availability as soon as practicable but shall not be liable for any loss, damage or claim caused by such variation or suspension.

Authorised use of services

Access to the Services is restricted to the specific named users as identified to FiinGroup. The client will notify FiinGroup as soon as a user has left his/her company, or no longer requires access, so that a replacement user can be assigned access during the term of the agreement. The Client also warrants that: it shall ensure that any user name, Password or other identification measure employed to access the Services is not disclosed to any person other than the persons authorised to access the same; and all authorised persons will use the Services only in accordance with this Agreement; and its information technology systems and paper record systems are secure and not capable of penetration (including by 'hacking' or physically) by unauthorised persons and that all data derived from the Services shall be kept secure; and it shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the activities contemplated under this Agreement.

Ownership of Intellectual Property

The Client acknowledges that:

  • The Client acknowledges that: Unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance by FiinGroup, the material (in whole or in part) may not be sold, nor passed on, communicated, or disseminated in any form, nor access granted to any third party (including but not limited to clients/ potential clients/ suppliers/ agents/ partners in other ventures/ accountants/ solicitors/ bankers/ brokers/ licensees). Nor to any subsidiary, associated or holding company (whether direct or indirect) of the client, whether trading or non-trading, or to any entity trading under the same umbrella trading name where the direct equity interest is different in any way to that of the client.
  • The Client may only use the Services in the course of its own normal day-to-day business. Client may not pass materials to clients and prospects unless done so as part of a presentation or similar, where FiinGroup is referenced as owner of all copyrights and intellectual property, and that passing material to third parties is carried out on an ad-hoc non-systematic basis.
  • Where the Client effectively copies, or has effectively copied, the intellectual property onto a hard disk, file server or equivalent at its own premises for ease of use, reference or any other reason, it is hereby agreeing to limit access to the nominated users unless otherwise agreed in writing, and upon payment of additional fees to FiinGroup.
  • Client may distribute copies in paper and/or electronic form of material so long as all copies made are distributed within the immediate organisation of the Client and the Client acknowledges that any distribution to any third party outside of its organisation (including without limitation any subsidiary, associated or holding company of the Client) then it will indemnify FiinGroup against any claim arising from the unauthorised distribution and be liable for a sum equivalent to the loss in sales revenue (at the prevailing copy price per whole report or the rate card price for an annual subscription to the relevant database as published from time to time by FiinGroup) caused by any unauthorised distribution of any part(s) of any report(s).
  • The Client, (or any subsequent user, whether licensed or unlicensed), will not place financial reliance upon any figure, statement or inference contained within any FiinGroup's report or intellectual property, or invite investment from others, without first obtaining the written consent of FiinGroup's company secretary so to do. In the event that the Client (or any subsequent user, whether licensed or unlicensed) does not follow this procedure, it (or any subsequent user, whether licensed or unlicensed) agrees to fully and effectually indemnify FiinGroup against any claims, howsoever arising.


The Client can make payment via three methods provided on FiinResearch.vn including PayPal, Napas or Bank Wire Transfer. The prices indicated on FiinResearch.vn include all taxes including VAT. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that all payment details provided are correct and complete. We are not responsible for supplying Services if the details submitted are incorrect or incomplete. No payment will be deemed to have been made until we have cleared funds and we may choose not provide Services until we receive payment in full. If we are unable to accept your request for Services for any reason then we will, at our option, either not debit your payment card or refund any money paid by you in respect of that request.

Limitation on Liability

FiinGroup retains the rights to claim the Engagement Party as a client of FiinGroup immediately upon delivery of the Report. This may include naming the Engagement Party and using the Engagement Party’s logo on FiinGroup’ websites.

The Client undertakes to keep confidential and not to disclose to any third party or to use itself, any confidential or secret information in any form directly or indirectly belonging or relating to FiinGroup, its or their business affairs, disclosed by FiinGroup or received by the Client pursuant to or in the course of this Agreement ('Confidential Information').

The Client undertakes to disclose Confidential Information of FiinGroup only to those of its officers, employees, agents and contractors to whom and to the extent to which disclosure is necessary for the purposes contemplated under this Agreement.

The above obligations of confidentiality and non-use shall not apply to information or material:

  • which is named by the Client prior to receipt from FiinGroup as evidence by documents in the possession of the Client at the time of disclosure;
  • which, after receipt from FiinGroup, is disclosed to the Client by a third party having the legal right to do so;
  • which is available to the public at the time of receipt of FiinGroup; or
  • which becomes available to the public after receipt from FiinGroup through no fault of the Client.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with Vietnamese laws without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the balance of this Agreement. No waiver by either party of any of its rights hereunder shall operate as a continuing waiver or as a waiver of any other breach, unless specifically so provided, and all waivers must be in writing and signed by the party claimed to be bound to be effective. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the Parties and it supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations, proposed agreements and agreements, written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be amended or otherwise altered except in a writing signed by both parties hereto.

Delivery Method

FiinResearch’s services is delivered ONLINE (in PDF format & written in English) after FiinGroup receives full-service payment fee from Client.

FiinGroup will provide account and password to the Client at the portal http://fiinresearch.vn via Client’s email. Then, Client will login and download reports. In case, Client already have account, FiinGroup will deliver report to Client’s existing account.

Client’s information, such as name, email address, etc. will be used to embed in the reports’ footer for confidentiality and copyright protection purpose.

For Customised Research service, we will deliver service via mail or phone, or any kind written in concrete contract with Client.

Delivery Schedule

Industry Report: Delivery within 01 (one) working day from the date of receiving of the Service Fee in full (Excluding upcoming released reports)

Company Report:

Titile/No. 1 2 3 4 5
Type of Reports Profile Report Company Factsheet Credit Report Standard Research Comprehensive Research
Turnaround days 1 working day 1-2 working days 3 working days 3-5 working days 5-7 working day
Titile/No. Type of Reports Turnaround days
1 Profile Report 1 working day
2 Company Factsheet 1-2 working days
3 Credit Report 3 working days
4 Standard Research 3-5 working days
5 Comprehensive Research 5-7 working days

*The delivery schedule may sometimes differ depends on data collection and/or information provided by authorities.

Late Delivery and Penalty

In the case of delayed delivery, FiinGroup has responsibility to inform Client by written notice (email/ letter) and receive Client’s acceptance. Otherwise FiinGroup subjects to pay Client a penalty of 1% for each commenced week of delay; however, at most 10% of the delivery’s overall order value.

Exchange or Refund Policy

Exchange and/or return is not applicable for FiinGroup’s service/product on FiinResearch’s website. Client is welcomed to give any comment/question or any dissatisfaction regarding FiinGroup’s service/product and FiinGroup pays responsibility to rectify the information/content to meet Client’s satisfaction.

Protection of Personal Information

By submitting our T&C, Client accept our condition of protection personal information. FiinGroup takes the security of your personal information very seriously. FiinGroup does not disclose any personal information to Third Party. When Client’s personal data is stored by FiinGroup, we use CRM system with limited access housed in facilities using physical security measures. In case Client does not accept to store your personal information in FiinGroup's database, Client can send a request email to delete information or click the "unsubscribe" button on the FiinResearch.vn website.

Client can easily edit personal information by logging into registered account on website FiinResearch.vn. In case of detecting that personal information is used for the wrong purpose or scope. Client can contact FiinGroup's Hotline directly for prompt processing.

Payment Method Security Policy

Domestic and international cards payment policy ensure compliance with the security standards of Payment Gateway Partners, including:

  • Standard data security on the internet SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) provided by GlobalSign
  • Certificate of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) issued by Trustwave
  • Standard 128-bit MD5 encryption
  • Principles and regulations on information security for the banking and financial sector in accordance with the Law and the State Bank of Vietnam.

FiinGroup’s transaction security policy of payment applies to customers:

  • Information of Customer's Payment Card is not saved on FiinGroup system
  • When ordering and using bank card to pay for order(s) on FiinGroup, Customers will enter card information on Payment Gateway Partner’s system
  • When there are issues related to the security of payment card information, Customers will contact the Payment Gateway Partner to solve out
  • Customers access the website via HTTPS protocol
  • Customers have an option to use OTP for access and transactions
  • Internal system between FiinGroup’s modules using key exchange methods: Internal data exchange application systems are encrypted using private key & public key to ensure security and full data protection.

Website Ownership Declaration

FiinGroup Joint Stock Company

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