Finstar Financial Group Case Studies
October 09 2020
Client name: Finstar Financial Group
Industry: Consumer Finance
Type of Service: Market Research and Market Entry Advisory
Country: Korea
Challenge: Consumer Finance market in Vietnam was told very potential but there was absence of any primary data and market analysis
Challenge - explained
Have a lack of a comprehensive information about market sizing, market share analysis, segmentation Challenge in assessment for addressable market and growth forecast Legal framework is complicated and there was a lot of regulatory developments governing this non-bank service
FiinResearch was selected as exclusive firm to support Finstar from the day 1 when they first came to Vietnam from market study to market strategy, product survey and then regular market updates Market research for pay-day loans and consumer finance market in Vietnam Reviewing all products by existing players including mystery shopping and anonymous interviews to grasp insights We also supported Finstar with Cambodia and Myanmar markets
Finstar successfully set up DoctorDong as an digital lending platform from 2018 and achieved its loan portfolio of US$10M for day-day loan model. The platform used e-KYC and advanced technologies to do online sales and underwriting process to quickly gain the market share with affordable NPL