StoxPlus promotes consumer finance

June 06 2016 VIR

The Vietnamese consumer finance sector is expected to boom in the next few years, giving rise to financial technology companies and consumer lending.

StoxPlus Executive Breakfast on Vietnam Consumer Finance Market 2016 set for launching

May 31 2016 VIR

StoxPlus, a leading financial and business information corporation in Vietnam and an associate of Nikkei Inc. and QUICK Corp (Japan), will arrange the “Executive Breakfast on Vietnam Consumer Finance Market 2016” on June 2, 2016.

FinTech - Solution or Challenge to Vietnam Consumer Finance companies?

May 16 2016 StoxPlus

Consumer Finance Market (CF) in Vietnam has witnessed the fastest growth in 2015 - domestic and foreign-owned finance companies in Vietnam are in a fierce competition for a slice of the consumer loans market.

CEO Thuan Nguyen Speaks at the 6th Cemtech Asia Conference 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand, 21-24 June 2015

July 08 2015 FiinGroup

Cemtech Asia Conference is organized by the International Cement Review, the largest industry magazine for Cement Industry based in London, UK. The conference this year was held in Bangkok, Thailand, focusing on Southeast Asia which is one of the world’s fastest-growing economic regions. More than 200 participants from cement, building materials companies and related businesses from Japan, Korea, Germany, China and ASEAN attended the event. The event was sponsored by Siam Cement Group.

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