October 09 2020 FiinGroup
JERI is a research and consulting house under the Development Bank of Japan. It was supporting their banking clients to develop their construction and residential developer business in Vietnam
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
SK Telecom has been considering an international consulting firm or a local and data-driven research like FiinResearch. For the matter of hospital operations and with a view to develop telemedicine for Vietnam, they finally decided to work with FiinResearch given our data-driven advantages and extensive network with local doctors and healthcare agencies
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Finance Leasing and Intermediary Payment (IPS) markets are hard to understand in Vietnam and hard to assess the growth potentials
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Have a lack of a comprehensive information about market sizing, market share analysis, segmentation Challenge in assessment for addressable market and growth forecast Legal framework is complicated and there was a lot of regulatory developments governing this non-bank service
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Korea is the largest FDI investor in Vietnam and Korean companies also prefer to expand their business in Vietnam via M&A or equity transactions
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Viet Duc Steel approached BIDV for a loan to finance the project. However, BIDV required an independent assessment of the market potential and a credit score of Viet Duc Steel to make any credit decision.
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
VTB Capital is an investment arm of VTC, the second largest bank in Russia. They have successfully introduced digital brokerage platform in Russia market and European markets and now would like to penetrate into Vietnam to tap on the growing retail-based stock market in Vietnam
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Korean investors have been actively invested in Vietnamese capital markets including equity and fixed income; Korean banks and securities firms and asset managers have increased their exposure in Vietnamese market
October 09 2020 FiinGroup
Financial Sector Assessment Program (“FSAP”) is an important initiative by WB, IMF and the Government of Vietnam to help international investors understand and evaluate Vietnam in a very standardised methodology and indicators