Earnings Forecasts 2016 and Implied Forward Valuation of Vietnam Stock Market
7/8/2016 4:00:00 PM
Earnings Forecasts 2016 and Implied Forward Valuation of Vietnam Stock Market
There have been various market calls from local and foreign sell-side and buy-side investors into Vietnam Stock Market. The calls were based on different investment rationales but it is mainly based on the prospect of corporate earnings growth and thus it implies an upside valuation.
Based on our comprehensive database on FiinPro® Platform especially about earnings consensus and our own forecasting for all listed companies, we would like to share our findings to testify if the call is justifiable.
Who should attend
Who should attend
Guest Speakers
Mr. Nguyen Nhu Song
Vice Chairman - Long An Food Processing Export JSC;
Mr. Khong Van Minh
Investment Manager - Jaccar Capital Fund
Key participants
Number of attendees: up to 25 people